How to install Ubuntu on VMware Workstation

How to install Ubuntu on VMware Workstation

1. Download Ubuntu ISO and VMware Workstation.

2. Open Vmware Workstation and click on Create a New Virtual Machine

Create VM on Workstation

3. Leave it on Typical and click Next

New VM Wizard

4. The next Picture is self-explanatory. Click on Next

Mounting ISO

5. Fill the boxes. Username and password would be the one nedded to later login to access the system. Then proceed by clicking on Next


6. Click on Next

Memory Value

7. Now you will start to give the machine some hardware configurations

Note: If the machine take too long or does not boot, this is where you should start to modify specifications.

Customize HW

8. Click on Finish if you are satisfied with the specs,

Finish HW Cutomization

Else click on Customize Hardware.

Customize HW

9. Now you can change the specs as much as you want.

Customize RAM Cloase HW Customization

Click on Close when finished and the the screen below will pop up and click on "Finish".

Finicsh HW Custom

10. Booting and installation (These may be the different screens shown)

Booting Installation screen Installation Screen 2

11. Login

Login Screen

Click on username (mine's joker) and enter password

Login/Password Screen


Ubuntu Running

Congratulations! Ubuntu has been successfully installed on your VMware Worskstation.

13. Now, to ensure that all you packages are up-to-date, Press CTRL + ALT + T to open the terminal.

14. Type sudo su - followed by your login password.

This command gives root access to the user

15. Type sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

16. Since it is the first time performing the command, it may take some time. DO NOT CANCEL as it may break the packages as well as the install manager. I would recommend to wait until the upgrade is finished then using Ubuntu.